Not just the title, but all that we have built over time: our reputation, our network, our curriculum vitae of roles and responsibilities and the resulting legacy. 不只是职位,还有我们多年来积累的所有声望、人际网络、个人履历以及宝贵经验。
I'm afraid we can't increase salary this year, money is just too title. 我们今年恐怕不能加薪了预算很紧。
A change was made so the extension showed just the view's title and icon, but it didn't activate the bundle that contributed the extension until the end user actually tried to view it. 后来把改扩展改为只显示视图的标题和图标,直到终端用户真的尝试看该视图时,才激活加入到扩展中的那个包。
In the case of the title text, for example, the selector is just# title span. 在标题文本里,选择符是titlespan。
After submitting the form, you'll notice that the URI you just pasted is displayed below the title. 提交表单之后,您将注意到您刚传递的URI显示在标题下。
Just as the title of this section suggests, there are different ways to provide transportation, and they each have unique features such as speed, capacity, and distance. 正如本节标题的意思一样,提供运输的方式有多种,每种方式都有其特点,例如速度、容量和距离。
In terms of UI code, there is just a title and a loading image, that's it. 在UI代码方面,这里只有一个标题和表示正在加载的图片。
But that's not what you do-that's just your title. 但这并不是你做什么&这不过是你的头衔。
Just write the game title or scan the barcode! 只要写出游戏标题或扫瞄条码!
But McLaren are not just fighting for Title honours this year, they are battling to keep hold of Raikkonen in the face of interest from ferrari. 但是麦克拉伦今年不仅仅要争夺冠军的荣誉,他们还要跟法拉利争夺莱科宁。
Just under the title, the student should state his name. 只是标题下,学生应该说出自己的名字。
It is easy, just add something between TITLE tags. 很免费网站申请简朴,只要在标题标签中加点东西。
Just for fun let's fast forward a few years and assume that Liverpool have just won the Premier League title and the Champions League. 如果单纯是为了好玩,吸污车那我们快进几年,那时的红军很可能就会得到联赛冠军和欧冠奖杯。
He says social media sites are valuable when they show the abilities of job candidates and not just their job title and experience. 他说,社交媒体网站是很有价值的,但是必须展示出应聘者的能力,而不只是工作职位和工作经验。
They are best represented by young diplomats here who have just won the title of "outstanding youth of the ministry". 今天在场的获得“外交部优秀青年”称号的年轻外交官,就是他们中的杰出代表。
Just like the title of this post claims, at one time the Premier of China was a Catholic. 正如文章的标题所言,曾经中国的内阁总理是天主教徒。
Some people write down just the title of each section of their talk. 有些人只写下每部分演讲的标题。
To name your report, just click on the title field, enter a report name and click Apply. 命名您的报告,只要按一下标题字段中,输入报告名称,然后单击应用。
He's just defended his title for the tenth time. 他刚卫冕了第十次。
If you could just give your name, your title and a description of what you do. 能不能请你说一下你的姓名,职务和你的职责?
Oh I am just getting far from my title, sorry I come back now. 不好意思,我可能跑题了,赶紧回到今天的主题。
To access any of these sections, just click on the section title. 欲查看上述任一部分的详情,请直接点击该部分的标题。
Luckily we just did a Title B inventory. 我们刚巧列出一个B项清单。
The Beijing Hutong is not just the title of the lane, but also a kind of constructional art and a living environment for Beijing civilians. 北京的胡同不仅仅是巷子的称谓,而且还是一种建筑艺术,是北京的平民百姓的生活环境。
I just typed the title, and I wanted to search for some pics to arrange in pairs of my article. 我刚把标题打上来,准备去搜索几张图片来搭配我的文章。
We all think the club is going in the right direction – we have just won the title, we are moving to a new stadium and everything looks exciting for the future. 我们都认为这个球会朝着正确的方向进行&我们赢得了联赛冠军,我们将要迁移到新球场,所有事情未的来都是如此的刺激而兴奋。
Just as the title indicating, this thesis is written to oppugn "the theory about unification of double quality" which is the essence of the Chinese curriculum defined by the new curriculum standard. 正如标题所示,本文就是针对课标关于语文课程性质两性统一说的这一界定进行质疑。
Sportsperson is not just a simple title on the classification of occupations. Its identity logo is the spirit of sport, which is the unique ethical quality developed by competitive sport. 体育人不仅仅是职业分类上的简单称谓,它的身份标志是体育精神,这是竞技体育培育的独特的伦理品质,蕴含尊重、友爱、诚实、守信等美德。
Bill of Lading has been developed to be a kind of securities today, which records and represents the specific civil rights, just like other documents of title such as commercial paper, warehouse, and equity capital and so on. 提单发展到今天,与票据、仓单、公司股票等权利凭证一样,将特定的民事权利记载并化体在证券纸面上。
Some people among us are called "abnormal people", though just a title, it can be treated as a custom when widely spread, and those people may even be thought as born with the unchangeable essence of abnormality. 我们中的一些人被其他人称作不正常的人,尽管只是一种称谓,但弥漫开来就会被当做习俗来处理,甚至被认为其本性如此,不可更改。